Featured Article – 12 (post)

Home Family Activities Resources Spiritual Exercises Submit A Story 01 April Living Love through Actions By Brad Norman Being a parent in Eckankar and raising my son on this spiritual path has been a wonderful experience! We have learned many spiritual principles...

Featured Article – 11 (post)

Home Family Activities Resources Spiritual Exercises Submit A Story 01 April A Precious Spiritual Tool By Susi Tuita When I knew I was becoming a parent, I contemplated a lot on how best to be a channel for the ECK (Holy Spirit) for this Soul that had chosen me as Its...

Featured Article – 10 (post)

Home Family Activities Resources Spiritual Exercises Submit A Story 01 April The Needful Things of Life By Sri Harold Klemp Perhaps you remember a story about Jesus, who stopped by the home of Martha, a follower. Much pleased by his visit, she invited him in for a...

Featured Article – 9 (post)

Home Family Activities Resources Spiritual Exercises Submit A Story 01April Preparing Our Children for the World By Sri Harold Klemp When my daughter graduated from high school, I was so grateful. As a child’s graduation approaches, the parent often says, “Please,...